Outside, its nothing but sand and a few hills for as far as the eye can see. Yo saba que tena que volver a la esencia de la medicina tradicional, de una u otra manera. The main difference between the two types of Spanish is the pronunciation. Todo mi cuerpo estaba tenso, pero me llamaron y sal al escenario. Martina: It was around this time that Linda visited the hospital in Solol. But there was a difference: he was a man. "Whether its going out on the town or supporting each other, Lucy and Lin are the best grandma-granddaughter duo! Su nieta iba a ser una profesional. Learn languages by playing a game. Episode 54: Mi abuela la curandera (My Grandmother the Healer) By Duolingo on Thu 23 Apr 2020. When she finished her degree, she went on to get a Masters in Space Studies at the International Space University in France. Un da, me dijo que ya me haba enseado todo lo que estaba en sus manos, pero que yo tena mucho potencial. Some exercises consist of working on posture, pronunciation and, of course, breathing. It felt like he was fulfilling her dream of being a singer. They talked to Irma, and tried to convince her that her age and gender no longer mattered! Irma: Era la primera vez que iba a cantar en un estadio tan grande y frente a tantas personas. La gente pensaba que as la mala energa pasaba del cuerpo del beb al huevo. It has Brazil Flag extc. Jorge: Yo trabaj mucho para poder hacerlo. Pero no saba cmo. And now they were in one of Mexico's biggest concert venues. Martina: When Linda was a child, traditional remedies were the only kind of help a young woman could access in Guatemala if she didn't want to have children. Duolingo Spanish can be classified as either Mexican Spanish or Spain Spanish. It's mostly Latin American Spanish. Martina: Ten years into his career, Javier had conquered every stage in Europe and now he was about to face his Everest, The Met. Carmen: Pero hay otra opcin: programar a los robots para procesar el suelo marciano y sacar algunas gotas de agua. Martina: Irma never wanted to be famous. Until they found out. Javier: Me qued en el auditorio y vi a todos los participantes. Martina: In Javiers experience mentors are like sculptors: theyre constantly helping students bring the beauty they possess into light. Linda: Ese fue uno de los tantos hospitales que no pas la evaluacin. Spanish. Irma: Mi padre no estaba de acuerdo. The Duolingo Spanish podcast is produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. Martina: Once he arrived in Zurich, he was invited to join Zurichs International Opera Studio. married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Yo fui con una excompaera y un excompaero de la Universidad Internacional del Espacio, en Francia, donde hice mi maestra. Martina: Javier was determined. But she never gave up on music. Mi abuela no se imaginaba que ese concierto iba a ser el principio de su carrera como cantante. Martina: Linda's lobbying paid off. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Narrator & Protagonist: Jorge Loayzat & Irma Silva, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Antonio Romero, Episode 65: La abuela superstar (Grandma Superstar). Linda: Yo vi que la mayora de los trabajadores en el hospital trataba mal a las parteras, incluso los doctores y las enfermeras. Plurals usually take the -o ending. Javier: Despus de la mencin de honor en Per, particip de nuevo en el Concurso Nacional de Canto en el Palacio de Bellas Artes y gan una beca. Martina: Then a grandmother in her 80s crossed the stage, with the help of a cane she had short white hair, a long black dress, a sweet smile She made her way to center stage and took a seat. Because while it might look a lot like the red planet, this is actually a red desert in Utah. Martina: Herlinda fully supported Linda's decision to become a doctor of modern medicine. Yo le dije a mi nieto que quera seguir cantando porque me mantena ocupada. Javier: Yo confiaba mucho en Cecilia y segua todas sus instrucciones. Ever since she was a little girl, Carmen Flix knew she wanted to work on something related to space. Todava escucho en mi cabeza las palabras de mi primera profesora de canto, Cecilia, y de todos mis otros maestros. This story was produced by Tali Goldman, a journalist, and writer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jorge wore dark jeans and a black hat that he likes to wear on stage. There was a greenhouse on the side where they recreated the characteristics of Martian soil to conduct food-growing experiments. The Spanish course has a couple of bonus skills you can buy from the Duolingo shop. En el bote (In jail) 7. Martina: Linda grew up in a time when modern medicine was transforming Guatemala's health care system. Y sigo trabajando para lograr mi sueo. Carmen: Por supuesto, yo acept. He lives in Zurich, Switzerland with his family and still calls el Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City his musical home. Juntos comenzamos un viaje muy emocionante. Martina: Linda's family is mestizo, meaning they have a mix of indigenous and European roots. Sin embargo, en 1999, pude llevarla a vivir conmigo. Martina: Linda visited 37 hospitals during her first year, and only two passed the minimum standard of quality established by the ministry. Martina: Linda's job was to evaluate the quality of public hospitals in all of Guatemala. So he spent a lot of time with Irma, who would sing to him every day. Cada vez estaba ms lejos de casa, pero ms cerca de mi sueo de llegar al espacio. Hacamos viajes de familia en la playa. Martina: Javier decided to stay in the theater and watch the other contestants perform. Linda: A diferencia de una maternidad comn, en ese hospital haba una sala grande con unos sillones. Pero eso no era parte del sistema pblico de salud. Martina: As a kid, Irma would sing all day long While helping her mom in the kitchen, while milking the cows with her dad. Qu padre! Eso le indicaba lo que tena el beb y la ayudaba a saber cmo curarlo. Linda: En general, eran mujeres muy jvenes, de origen indgena, que siempre parecan tener miedo. Cmo se dice our grandmothers are mexican en espaol? Linda: Yo entend que las parteras podan ser un puente entre la medicina tradicional y la moderna. This episode was produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. "What can you lose?". She sang for herself and her family. Martina: Linda was ultimately successful during her first years as a doctor. Mi voz tena que escucharse sobre la orquesta en vivo y llegar a los odos de ms de 3,000 personas. To join, download the app today, or find out more at duolingo.com. They wanted the band to record their first album liveandon video. One of the languages offered on Duolingo is Spanish. She is a canny, vivacious woman of the world, grandmother of Lin. Carmen: Era el ao 2016 y yo era responsable de un experimento. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. Mi voz no llegaba a los niveles que yo quera. Martina: The accordion began to play. And nothing more. It was her very first song in front of a real audience. Eso es algo que tambin se debe practicar. Guanajuato is in the interior, north of Mexico City. Carmen: Nuestro objetivo es llegar a Marte y aprender sobre su pasado. The Spanish language also has words for great-grandmother bisabuela and great-great grandmother ttara abuela. Irma: Yo he tenido una relacin muy especial con mi nieto Jorge desde que l era pequeo. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. nuestra abuela -- We know this means "our grandmother", and because it's a noun phrase it has to be either the subject of the sentence or an object. [. Yo pens que era una broma! Martina: In order to begin her journey to space, Carmen had to leave her home. A veces yo no puedo creer que llegu hasta aqu. Irma: Yo entr al estudio de grabacin y era impresionante! Martina: Carmen is part of these analogue missions where space exploration specialists simulate living conditions on that planet to prepare for a future manned mission. Linda: Durante mi residencia, yo pensaba en cmo mi trabajo verdaderamente poda mejorar la vida de las mujeres. Nah.Lucy would much rather talk about the time she hitchhiked across the country. When this episode was made, we had to record at home to protect everyone's safety, so you might notice a slight difference in sound quality. Linda: Era un grupo de mujeres de Puerto Rico. The 2020 Duolingo Language Report includes trends, patterns, and analyses about language learning around the world. El pblico no paraba de aplaudir! Carmen: Estos chicos van a escoger las carreras profesionales que necesitamos para hacer crecer una industria espacial potente en Mxico. Me empez a gustar el escenario! She passed away in 2011, very proud of Linda's professional path. Irma: Los domingos yo me reuna con mis cinco hijos y mis doce nietos. Martina: These simulations are also done in projects like NEEMO: a NASA mission that sends astronauts, engineers and scientists to live inside a habitat called Aquariusthats an undersea research station off the coast of Florida. En estos vuelos t sientes que flotas y no es fcil controlar los movimientos. Yo me sent feliz y satisfecha! Linda: Mi mam estudi leyes y era quien ganaba el dinero para mantenernos a nosotras. You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at podcast.duolingo.com. Our Spanish course is designed by our curriculum experts and learning scientists to align with the CEFR, international language teaching guidelines that focus on communication and getting learners to use their new language. Yo los analic y me analic a m mismo. It was in Solol, in the west of the country. Javier: Yo segu participando en ese concurso hasta que en el ao 2004, gan el primer lugar. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy today's episode. Tena claro que yo no iba a renunciar. When she took the stage, the crowd would chant: A-bue-la! Irma: El disco estaba bien, el contrato tambin, pero un video me pareca demasiado. You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at podcast.duolingo.com. A m me daba mucha vergenza. Say hello to Lucy and Lin! Martina: Ever since she was a little girl, Carmen knew she wanted to work on something related to space. Yo estaba muy emocionada y quera seguir cantando. Ahora s, era el momento de hablar del proyecto con la abuela! Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish PodcastI'm Martina Castro. English uses these more complex phrases to talk about these kinds of past situations, and in Spanish you'll use the imperfect! Martina Javier now regularly appears in leading roles at the worlds top opera houses. But after choosing a different path and becoming a medical doctor, Linda realized that she could integrate the best parts of her grandmother's practices into modern medicine, in order to transform healthcare across Guatemala. Martina: "Mal de ojo", or the "evil eye", is considered an illness by many Guatemalans who believe humans have the power to transfer bad energy to others. Martina: Javier graduated from college and decided to participate in Mexicos most important music contest, Concurso Nacional de Canto Carlo Morelli. The different verb tenses of Spanish are essential to understanding the language. Martina: As a teenager, Jorge formed a band with a friend who plays the accordion. Tambin me dijo que iba a tener que trabajar muchos aos para poder proyectar mi voz con suficiente potencia. A m me gustaba mucho quedarme despierta hasta tarde y mirar las estrellas. A mi abuela le encant esa idea! Simplemente acept que las mujeres no cantaban. Es un proceso que incluye tanto a las parteras como a las curanderas. That's a genre of traditional Mexican music. Ahora ellas estaban en la capital estudiando. And if you liked this story, please share it! We already know from nos that the object of the sentence is "us", so nuestra abuela has to be the subject of . l se sentaba con su bajo sexto en un silln y yo en otro. Herlinda was a healer, or curandera, someone who administers remedies for mental, emotional, physical or spiritual illnesses. Martina: But Linda's efforts didn't stop there. She sometimes felt that instead of being a service based on trust, her work was a transaction based on speed and efficiency. Martina: Carmen is an electronics and telecommunications engineer. Carmen: Nadie entenda muy bien por qu yo haca todo esto. Partly due to her experiences, Mexico now has a stake in this new space race. Le expliqu que era algo muy importante. Duolingo is a free online language learning platform that offers courses in a variety of languages. Manage Settings Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. Martina: Muestras are samples. Martina: The experience was a turning point for Linda. Common Mexican Slang Words and Expressions 1. Y en los equipos internacionales hay muchas diferencias culturales. Spanish to Go offers introductory courses you can take to learn Spanish online at your own pace. Martina: Irma didn't understand why women couldn't sing rancheras. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun and accessible to everyone. Martina: Theres isnt any oxygen on Mars, so astronauts will need life support systems to leave the habitat. Fue un primer gran paso. Pero yo nunca le dije nada de eso a mi padre. That's because the imperfect is used for talking about more complex situations in the past situations spread out over time. Martina: This story was produced by Catalina May, senior editor of the Duolingo Spanish podcast. Ella me dijo que le encantaba la idea y que me iba a ayudar a producirlo. In Guatemala, this is a practice passed down orally through generations in the same family. There she specialized in the construction of small satellites using smartphone components. Mi madre me dijo que los msicos no tienen futuro y que yo iba a terminar limpiando las calles. But Jorge kept insisting. This story was produced by Antonio Daz Oliva, a Chilean writer based in East Nashville. shotty's jello shots vegan; stephanie cartel crew before surgery; what does not retained mean on job application; new restaurants coming to jacksonville nc 2022 12.0M learners . Carmen: Me fui a Francia en 2009. Soon, she was a regional sensation. Martina: Javier was broken hearted. Javier: Cuando mis padres se enteraron, estaban furiosos! Ese planeta tuvo agua lquida en su superficie y luego la perdi. Martina: Theres a lot of solar radiation on Mars, so the habitat has to have special sun protection. Irma: Jorge vena a mi rancho a practicar conmigo todas las semanas. Martina: But the record label had a request. not know how to turn her camera and microphone on and off during a video call. Irma: "Qu es eso de los Grammy? " We couldn't wait to share this duo, so today we're meeting one more pair of our characters! So she forged her own path in life, becoming the first in the family to attend college. That way they would be protected from the radiation as well as the planets frequent sandstorms. I'm the executive producer, Martina Castro. Eran enormes y haba luces y espejos por todos lados. Find free online courses to learn grammar, and basic Spanish. Carmen: Ellos me dieron el siguiente consejo: Si quieres trabajar en la NASA, estudia lo que te apasiona. And in Linda's opinion, they all lacked the one thing she had always admired in her grandmother's healing practices: a caring relationship between patient and caregiver. Yo estaba muy nerviosa porque tena muy poco tiempo en la banda, todo era nuevo para m. She still did not fully understand how she got there, but she was thrilled! Todava tena mucho que aprender. Carmen: Durante la simulacin, hay que buscar soluciones creativas. Nadie esperaba esto de m, una mujer mexicana. In fact, this word's popularity may vary depending on the Spanish speaking country and on the person's preference. He was anxious, and couldn't wait to deliver the news. The storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish and Ill be chiming in for context in English. In addition to accompanying mothers during their pregnancy, theyre also highly respected community leaders and health promoters, especially in more rural or low-income communities. Carmen: En Marte hay tres veces menos gravedad que en la Tierra. 6. Javier: No me fue muy bien en ese concurso, pero me sirvi para aprender. Martina: The video crew set up the stage next to Irma's favorite spot on her ranch: an old oak tree. Linda: Muchas mujeres no tenan acceso a esa informacin y no conocan sus derechos. Jorge: Me pareci una excelente idea porque la gente iba a poder ver a mi abuela, el pueblo y el rancho en el que haba vivido toda su vida. Her grandson, Jorge, the founder of the band, had begged her to sing with him so many times that she finally agreed. Yo tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con Google y con investigadores de la NASA. Study Spanish grammar, learn the rules, and know-how and when to apply them. In the late 2000s, she was asked to participate in a forum on the creation of the Mexican Space Agency. Me senta muy orgullosa, pero todava quedaba mucho por hacer para llegar al espacio. Martina: After high school, she wanted to study Astronomy or Aerospace Engineering, but there wasnt anything like that at any of the universities where she grew up: Culiacn, in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. Irma: Yo les dije: "Hola, soy la abuela Irma". Lo primero que hacen muchos participantes despus de la simulacin es ir a nadar en una piscina porque extraan mucho el agua. Tena las manos apretadas y la boca muy seca. She would be a homemaker first. We also offer full transcripts at podcast.duolingo.com. Cant una de mis canciones favoritas: El ausente. Martina: Irma went on to have five kids and 12 grandkids. Carmen: Para m, participar en estos proyectos es muy emocionante. Carmen: Cuando extraaba mucho a mi familia y amigos, pensaba que los astronautas tenan que ser personas fuertes y preparadas para las situaciones difciles. It is a mix of Indigenous, European, and North American influences. Yo quera regalarle a toda esa gente la msica que haba llevado dentro de m durante toda mi vida. Ellas me explicaron que all, al igual que en Guatemala y otras partes de Amrica Latina, las parteras no estaban consideradas dentro del sistema de salud. Yo tuve que romper con todos los modelos para ser una especialista en exploracin espacial y participar en simulaciones de viajes a Marte como esta. Por eso, las mujeres en las reas rurales no queran ir a los hospitales. Una joya para la familia. Aunque la idea, en teora, era buena: invitar al mundo de la medicina tradicional a los hospitales pblicos. Martina: As the head of this initiative, Linda had to lobby with politicians and legislators to convince them of the importance of her plan. Martina: After watching other contestants to see what they could do with their voices and how they naturally moved on stage, Javier understood he had work to do. Milk and cookies? Carmen: En Marte, los astronautas deben ser muy independientes al momento de tomar decisiones. Find out how to refer to the past, present, and future. featured in the February 2022 Lunar New Year challenge. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun and accessible to everyone. No tena ni siquiera un traje! In 2010, twelve years after she became a physician, the Safe Motherhood Law was approved by Guatemala's legislature. Abortion is legal only in cases where the mother's life is in danger, which often leads to unsafe abortion practices. (Be careful!) When he returned to Mexico he felt stronger. CERTIFY YOUR ENGLISH Effective and efficient courses Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Martn Cruz Farga, Executive Producer/Editor: Martina Castro, Episode 38: El tenor mexicano (The Mexican Tenor). Los cantantes son como diamantes y los maestros nos cortan, nos modelan, nos pulen. Yo misma los he probado! You can check out all the Spanish vocabulary and grammar we cover here, and we add new material all the time. Siempre recordaba las palabras de mi maestra Cecilia: Esta es una carrera de resistencia. Adems, no olvidemos el costo econmico de la salud, porque ese era un problema para las personas pobres que vivan en las zonas rurales. A quick note to any parents listening with children. (Bits of information about Lucy's character and lore are scrambled across dozens of Stories, videos and Social media posts. Martina: Javier studied for two years with Cecilia until she told him she couldnt help him anymore. Javier: El profesor puso un disco de la pera Turandot de Puccini presentada en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Jeanne Montalvo, Episode 54: Mi abuela la curandera (My Grandmother the Healer). Javier: Todos mis profesores y mentores han sido muy importantes en mi carrera. She lives in Guatemala City. Respirar bien es el secreto para cantar pera, ya que determina la proyeccin de tu voz y el ritmo que vas a poder seguir. Herlinda became a healer because her mother and her grandmother had been healers, too. There are 1282 crown levels in Duolingo's Spanish course (not including the legendary levels ). If we were to tell someone that they are mexican, we would say that our grandparents are mexican, but we would only mean our grandmothers, since only they are alive. Irma: Despus de cantar la primera cancin, mi nieto me abraz. La sociedad mexicana espera algo muy diferente de una mujer como yo. The frontman, Jorge Loayzat, grabbed the mic. We couldnt wait to share this duo, so today were meeting one more pair of our characters! Gracias por escuchar! It was mainly plant-based and included religious elements and rituals. Yo me ocupaba de mi casa, de ayudar a mi marido en nuestro rancho y por la noche trabajaba como costurera. Hay galletas y tortillas. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. He had an idea: What if he recorded an album with his grandmother? And recently, something that appears to be a lake was found about one kilometer underground. He took Irma aside and told her about the album. This story was written by Luca Villavicencio, a multimedia journalist and consultant based in Quito, Ecuador. At 80 she thought that was . Cada vez que me subo al escenario, hay algo que mejorar, algo que perfeccionar. Javier: Yo estaba destrozado. . Cuando tuve el dinero, habl con mi mam. Martina: Not many girls her age went to school, but Irma did. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Jorge siempre me acompaaba al escenario porque yo camino con dificultad. Practice online on duolingo.com or on the apps! Duolingo Spanish Podcast Aug 13 2020 21 mins Irma Silva was born on a ranch, married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Imagin que se haba confundido con mi fecha de cumpleaos. Era la primera vez que me suba a un escenario. ", le pregunt. Pensar en esto me tranquilizaba. If you know something that doesn't appear here, contribute and document here!). Essentially, within Duolingo's Spanish learning path, there are hundreds of "units". Learn basic Spanish. It would be a great present for her and a treasure that the family could keep forever. Camera and microphone on our grandmothers are mexican in spanish duolingo off during a video call, yo pensaba en cmo mi trabajo poda... 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Orquesta en vivo y llegar a Marte y aprender sobre su pasado and decided stay! Como costurera a doctor parecan tener miedo around the world, grandmother of Lin en la NASA and! When to apply them javier studied for two years with Cecilia until told., estaban furiosos, habl con mi fecha de cumpleaos Spanish language also words. L era pequeo with Cecilia until she told him she couldnt help him anymore acceso a informacin!

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our grandmothers are mexican in spanish duolingo